
How do new owners start changing a culture?

Research has proven indicative that to create a change in culture the carrot stick methodology of gain versus pain does not bring about lasting change.

The positive psychological approach helps foster an environment open to engaging in change but if there is a hint of doubt that it is a tool that is being used to influence the individual to change their behaviour, then the individual will most likely feel abused.  The systematic result is that the willingness of the individual to change is predominantly reduced and in some instances can lead to rebellion and destructive behaviour.

When you are met with resistance and you challenge that with micromanaging or directive behaviour then the outcome may on the surface look successful. Immediate results lean towards changed behaviour.  Job done. Your teenage daughter says “ok” and promises to tidy her room.  The result is maybe that will happen today but the behaviour of being messy and not tidying her room will in most instances continue as before unless she chooses to change her behaviour after reflecting on how it affects her own wellbeing.
My message is embrace coaching techniques as the preferred approach. This learning struck me powerfully whilst working towards my accreditation with ICF and the learning through Goal Imagery Institute in NY. I have since reflected and practiced these techniques in my business and personal life and with lasting positive outcomes.
In the workplace people tend to do things how it always has been done or how they feel comfortable doing it; we are conditioned creatures of habit.  If you want to change a habit, and ultimately a culture, then you need to get buy in through everyone through engagement and coaching.  How do we do this with coaching skills?  Well coaching is not mentoring which is guiding and sharing expertise, no coaching is empowering the individual through asking powerful questions. It is listening to the individual and it is self-directing rather than directing. It is positive. Creating a space of mutual trust and respect.  Not telling because you want them to do it your way but asking them what is important to them and how will that positively affect them and their environment?

 Many leaders and individuals benefit greatly from increased self-awareness and understanding. Coaching mirrors the truth and helps build awareness which can clear paths filled with obstacles and turn them into roads with signposts that lead towards positive change.

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